10 Reasons I Love My Sister

10 Reasons I Love My Sister

  1. I love you because you didn’t kill me after I threw a seashell at you and drew blood.
  2. I love you for your gorgeous, natural blond hair…actually I hate you for that, but I love your hair which is a part of you.
  3. I love you for living on the same street as me.
  4. I love you for being such an amazing cook and feeding my family every Sunday night.
  5. I love you for keeping our family traditions going.
  6. I love how funny and sarcastic you are.
  7. I love how we can say the same thing at the same time in the same voice and freak everybody out.
  8. I love you because you taught me shopping is a sport and fashion is an art.
  9. I love you because you are so loyal and smart.
  10. I love you because you are my sister, but also my best friend for life.

All my love–Happy Birthday!